Investerare över hela världen visar starkt intresse för att verka för aktiva insatser och investeringar på fler olika fronter. – Säger Patricia Espinosa, Förstesekreterare i ”United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)“. – Sen nedan, (text engelska)
The Investor Agenda was launched at the Global Climate Action Summit held in San Francisco last week by a group of partner organizations including Asia Investor Group on Climate Change, CDP, Ceres, Investor Group on Climate Change, Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, Principles for Responsible Investment, and UNEP Finance Initiative. The self-proclaimed aim of the Agenda is to call “global investors to accelerate and scale-up the actions that are critical to tackling climate change and achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.” Specifically, the Agenda provides a way for investors to directly report actions they are taking, and a means to scale-up their commitment to act across four key areas — Investment, Corporate Engagement, Investor Disclosure, and Policy Advocacy.