Investerare backar upp Parisavtalet med 32 biljoner dollar

Investerare över hela världen visar starkt intresse för att verka för aktiva insatser och investeringar på fler olika fronter. – Säger Patricia Espinosa, Förstesekreterare i ”United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)“. – Sen nedan, (text engelska)

The Investor Agenda was launched at the Global Climate Action Summit held in San Francisco last week by a group of partner organizations including Asia Investor Group on Climate ChangeCDPCeresInvestor Group on Climate ChangeInstitutional Investors Group on Climate ChangePrinciples for Responsible Investment, and UNEP Finance InitiativeThe self-proclaimed aim of the Agenda is to call “global investors to accelerate and scale-up the actions that are critical to tackling climate change and achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.” Specifically, the Agenda provides a way for investors to directly report actions they are taking, and a means to scale-up their commitment to act across four key areas — Investment, Corporate Engagement, Investor Disclosure, and Policy Advocacy.