Mer om Sono Motors finns här! https://www.facebook.com/groups/SonoMotorsSverige/?multi_permalinks=400879053831625¬if_id=1556524537146563¬if_t=group_activity
Mer om Sono Motors finns här! https://www.facebook.com/groups/SonoMotorsSverige/?multi_permalinks=400879053831625¬if_id=1556524537146563¬if_t=group_activity
”Varning klippet innehåller reklam”, känns inte viktigt här. Klippet visar ju att det går att tänka på framtida generationer, att boendet inte nödvändigtvis skall kräva mer av vår omgivning och att vi verkligen KAN leva klimatsmart! Heja Sono Motors.
”Made in Germany, is Great again”! ;^)
Enligt uppgifter är det för närvarande ca: 9.0051 reservationer på modellen. Länk Facebookgrupp: Sono Motors Sverige.
Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sono_Motors
”Living more consciously and having more time for the present. Today, for many this is a dream. Tiny housing shows, that it is possible. You can lead a good life without wasting resources. The Sion, as the micro version of the energy revolution, supports the energy consumption. VISION Sono Motors‘ goal is to end the use of fossil fuels in exchange for sustainable mobility. THE SION The Sion is an innovative electric car with integrated solar cells in the body, a range of 250 km and a price of 16.000 €. 30 free kilometers per day are possible with energy generated by the sun. The stored energy can be used through bidirectional charging for all common electronic devices. The Sion is a family friendly vehicle, thanks to 5 seats and optional trailer coupling. In short: A self-charging electric car for sustainable driving”.